Let’s get you started with Juno!

Your membership gives you access to Juno's wonderful community where you can meet new like-minded people and exciting activities, as well as receive exclusive offers from our partners.

At the end of your trial period, you can choose to pay monthly or annually. See below what you get for your membership.


  • Take advantage of the entire Junoversum that offers you a valuable and active everyday life

  • Take advantage of exclusive offers and inspiring articles from hand-picked partners and experts!

  • Meet like-minded people in the Juno community, both in the app and on the website!

  • Get access to a marketplace tailored to your needs!

  • Pay your membership monthly by card!


  • Take advantage of the entire Junoversum that offers you a valuable and active everyday life

  • Take advantage of exclusive offers and inspiring articles from hand-picked partners and experts!

  • Meet like-minded people in the Juno community, both in the app and on the website!

  • Get access to a marketplace tailored to your needs!

  • Pay your membership monthly or annually by card!